About Us

We at Two Rivers Outfitter are serious preparedness minded folks who believe in sharing what we know whenever possible. To us, this is the bedrock of preparedness and self-sufficiency. We believe that you can only learn so much from books and videos. At some point, you need to try things out and lean on your community to expand your knowledge base. Knowledge sharing comes in many shapes and sizes but none more so than this website!

Two Rivers Outfitter has spent considerable time and effort to break down and link all of the various gear and supplies into specific collections that the most ardent preparedness and self-sufficient minded can review, purchase, and enjoy. A great many of the items listed on this website come from publicly available lists, articles, YT videos, and personal history and experience. However, no list is perfect so there’s always room for change and improvement and our site is no different. If you have suggestions for items we overlooked, please drop us a line on the Contact Us page and let us know.