Welcome to the premiere online preparedness store!
The Two Rivers Outfitter site is one of the rare few online preparedness and self-sufficiency websites on the market. And we’re kinda proud of that!
If you’re like us, your eyes glaze over and your head starts spinning after trying to make heads or tails from all the preparedness and self-sufficiency lists, food and gear recommendations, and the current flavor of the month or year inhabiting every nook and cranky on the internet. As a result, we’ve taken the guess work out of the online shopping experience and put those assorted lists here in electronic format. The Two Rivers Outfitter site utilizes its Amazon Affiliate status to help guide and direct those in the preparedness space to suitable gear, supplies, and products on Amazon.
We currently have over 20 ‘Collections’ to peruse and each collection is specific to your needs with regard to preparedness and self-sufficiency for that particular collection. Within each collection, we’ve listed numerous headings from all of those lists and selected appropriate items/products currently available on Amazon. If you see something you like, click the ‘Buy on Amazon’ link for the product line item and you’ll be directed over to Amazon to purchase. All point-of-sale (POS) and product return interactions are handled by Amazon just like you’re used to. We get a small commission for every product purchased using our affiliate links. And of course, Amazon doesn’t pay up if you return the item so we’ve taken special care to only list quality products we’ve either used and/or tested, we’re found and recommended on one of the hundreds of lists we culled through, or the Amazon buyers themselves have recommended.
So take the website for a spin by clicking the ‘Collections’ option from the menu and see what we’ve come up with.
While we take every precaution to ensure links are active and valid, sometimes we miss things. If a link is broken or the product is no longer available, please use the Contact Us page and let us know so it can be corrected and/or a new replacement product can be listed.